• 如果您正在为Chrome浏览器寻找功能强大的屏幕录像机扩展,一个可能的选择可能是屏幕录像机和视频编辑器礼貌hippovideo.io这个扩展,虽然不一定是完美的,可以做的伎俩。 事实上,它是一个接口和一个链接,2合1。 所有记录的数据实际上最终会在母亲的网站,在那里你还可以找到你的照片编辑器。 这个名字确实有点误导。

    扩展本身,通过其特定的菜单,允许用户只访问录音功能。 编辑你的作品将需要一个从目前和周围的扩展嵌入式链接访问网站。 与附加设备的兼容性似乎不是一个问题。 事实上,这是你最不担心的。 不幸的是,在使用过程中,出现了崩溃发生的某些时刻。 被警告! 此扩展似乎并不总是稳定的。 即便如此,它仍然可以很好地使用。

    该扩展确实为用户提供了相当多的选择,当涉及到实际录制。 从菜单中,存在于浏览器的右上角,人们可以从网络摄像头录制和捕获屏幕上的活动之间切换。 您也可以静音麦克风,如果你觉得有你宁愿只是显示不说话的部分。 这一切都取决于你在这个特定的领域。 还有一个开关,允许用户在记录他们当前正在查看的选项卡或整个桌面之间切换。

    从河马视频屏幕录像机和视频编辑器是一个有趣的附加为您的浏览器。 如果你能设法避免任何崩溃和ae罚款的事实,所有的编辑选项都在一个完整的其他地方,而不是集成在扩展本身,你应该很满意这个特定的产品。

  • यदि आप अपने क्रोम ब्राउज़र के लिए सक्षम स्क्रीन रिकॉर्डर एक्सटेंशन की तलाश में हैं, तो एक संभावित विकल्प स्क्रीन रिकॉर्डर हो सकता है

  • If you're on the lookout for a capable screen recorder extension for your Chrome browser, one possible choice could be Screen Recorder & Video Editor courtesy of hippovideo.io. This extension, while not necessarily perfect, could do the trick. In fact, it's an interface and a link, 2 in 1. All the recorded data will actually end up on the mother website, where you'll also find the editor for your photos. The name is indeed a tad misleading.

    The extension itself, through its specific menu, allows users to access only recording capabilities. Editing your creations will require one to access the website from the embedded links present in and around the extension. Compatibility with attached equipment does not seem to be an issue. In fact, that's the least of your worries. Unfortunately, during use, there have been certain moments in which crashes occurred. Be warned! This extension does not seem to be stable at all times. Even so, it can still be put to great use.

    The extension does give users quite a lot of choice when it comes to actually recording. From the menu, present in the right-hand corner of the browser, one can switch between recording from the webcam and capturing activity on screen. You can also mute the microphone if you feel there are parts you'd rather just display not talk over. It's all up to you in this particular area. There's also a switch allowing users to switch between recording the tab they're currently viewing or the whole desktop.

    Screen Recorder & Video Editor from Hippo Video is an interesting add-on for your browser. If you can manage to avoid any crashes and ae fine with the fact that all editing options are in a whole other place, not integrated in the extension itself, you should be pretty satisfied with this particular product.