• 发现自己经常在恼怒的边缘,因为打印网页根本不按预期工作应该是过去的事情,特别是对Chrome用户打印友好和PDF的帮助。 这个简单的附加使用户能够调整网页打印的目的,从而避免任何保证金或内容错误的能力。

    毫无疑问,这个特定的扩展最重要的方面在于调整在线内容进行打印的能力。 这是最重要的,但它也增加了可能对用户有用的额外功能。 为了改变您当前查看的内容,只需点击浏览器右上角的扩展图标,然后选择打印选项。 它将显示内容的粗略视图,因为它最终会在打印时查找。

    如果您不希望将在线内容转换为打印阅读文件,例如,您可能仍然有兴趣将内容保存为PDF文档。 为啥? 归档可能是你会从事保存PDF格式在线显示的内容这么多的原因之一。  同时,您可以直接通过电子邮件将您找到的内容,并通过加载项处理到您可能拥有的任何联系人。 这个附加组件管理,以简化行动谁想要有机会获得任何书面内容在线显pal见的变体用户的过程。

    打印友好和PDF是一个可能与Chrome浏览器一起提供的扩展。 它添加的功能确实有助于改变用户与在线内容交互的方式。 打印,转换为PDF,或者只是在几秒钟内发送电子邮件找到的内容,没有问题,没有头痛,也没有减速。

  • ख़ुद को अक्सर ख़राब करने के कगार पर पाया क्योंकि वेब पेजों को प्रिंट करना वैसे ही काम नहीं करता है जैसे कि अतीत की बात होनी चाहिए, विशेषकर क्रोम उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए जो प्रिंट फ्रेंडली की मदद से हो

  • Finding yourself quite often on the verge of exasperation because printing web pages simply does not work as expected should be a thing of the past, especially for Chrome users with the help of Print Friendly & PDF. This simple add-on gives users the ability to adjust web pages for printing purposes, thus avoiding any margin or content errors.

    There's no doubt that with this particular extension the most important aspect lies in the ability to adjust online content for printing. It's the most important, yet it also adds extra features that could be useful to the user. In order to transform your currently viewed content, simply click on the extension icon in the browser's right corner and choose the print option. It will display a rough view of the content as it will end up looking when printed.

    If you're not looking to turn online content into print-read files, you might still be interested in saving the content as a PDF document, for example. Why? Archiving might be one of the so many reasons for which you'd engage in saving content displayed online in PDF format.  At the same time, you can directly e-mail the content you find and process through the add-on to any contacts you might have. This add-on manages to simplify the course of action for users who want to have access to palpable variants of any written content present online.

    Print Friendly & PDF is an extension that might as well be provided with the Chrome browser. The functionality it adds does help change how users interact with online content. Print, transform into PDF, or simply e-mail your found content in just a matter of seconds, no issues, no headaches, and no slowdowns.