• 如果您有较小的PDF文件或较长的PDF,您可能需要合并或分别拆分文档。 PDF合并和PDF分配器可以帮助你做到这一点。 这个轻量级的程序是简单易用,因为它配备了一个非常友好的用户界面。 该应用程序是快速和完美的作品,有一个例外,我们将在后面讨论。

    使用PDF合并和PDF分离器,您可以将多个PDF文件合并为一个文件,或者将特定页面合并为一个PDF。 您可以通过选择要合并的Pdf,并使用铅笔图标从主界面合并选定的页面列轻松地做到这一点。 一旦你决定要合并的PDF文件,选择输出文件夹,然后单击右下角的合并按钮。

    这个程序也非常擅长将Pdf分割成较小的文档。 从应用程序的主界面,从标题中选择PDF拆分器。 选择源PDF文件并选择两种拆分方法之一。 您可以按指定页面拆分PDF文件。 此外,您可以使用该应用程序将您的文档拆分成一个文件,每个数量的页面,你想要的。

    尽管该程序的开发者Epubor表示,该应用程序也可以使用受密码保护的PDF文件,但情况并非如此。 PDF合并和PDF分离器无法处理这些文件,建议用户下载额外的软件来解锁文件,以防他们忘记密码。 总之,PDF合并和PDF分配器做它的工作,当涉及到合并和拆分PDF文件。 它有一个友好的用户界面,是免费的。 但是,它无法处理受密码保护的文档,这对某些用户来说可能会很麻烦。

  • यदि आपके पास छोटी पीडीएफ फाइलें या लंबी पीडीएफ है, तो आप अपने दस्तावेजों को विभाजित करना चाहते हैं या क्रमशः विलय कर सकते हैं। पीडीएफ विलय

  • If you have either smaller PDF files or a lengthy PDF, you might want to merge or, respectively, split your documents. PDF Merger & PDF Splitter helps you do that. This lightweight program is straightforward to use as it comes with a very user-friendly interface. The app is fast and works flawlessly, with one exception that we will discuss later.

    With PDF Merger & PDF Splitter, you can either merge multiple PDF files into a single one or just join specific pages into one PDF. You can easily do that by selecting the PDFs that you want to merge and using the pencil icon from the Merge Selected Pages column from the main interface. Once you've decided on what PDF files you want to merge, select the output folder and click on the Merge button in the bottom-right corner.

    This program is also excellent at splitting PDFs into smaller documents. From the main interface of the app, select PDF Splitter from the header. Choose the source PDF file and opt for one of the two splitting methods. You can split a PDF file by specified pages. Also, you can use the app to split your document into one file for every number of pages that you want.

    Even though the developer of the program, Epubor, stated that the application also works with password-protected PDF files, that's not the case. PDF Merger & PDF Splitter can't process those documents, suggesting that users download additional software to unlock the files, in case they forgot their password. In short, PDF Merger & PDF Splitter does its job when it comes to merging and splitting PDF files. It has a user-friendly interface and is free. However, it cannot process password-protected documents, which might be troublesome for some users.