• 在使用C#和VB.NET编程环境时,将ASPX(活动服务器页面扩展)格式文件转换为PDF是必需的,在处理本质上复杂的PDF数据时,这些数据需要在实际部署之前作为HTML内容进行驱动,设计和测试。

    IronPDF-ASPX库是作为一个编程组件库开发的,使用户可以通过简单地用一个新行修改代码,特别是"Form_Load"事件来将网页呈现为输出PDF格式而不是HTML。 除了库提供的主要转换功能,还可以执行栅格化,页眉或页脚编辑或其他有用的PDF操作。


    最后但并非最不重要的,在安全性方面,用户可以应用粒度元数据设置,它提供了在打印方面限制PDF文档的能力,并将其呈现为只读。 128位加密和解密可用,以及PDF文档的标准密码保护。

  • ASPX (एक्टिव सर्वर पेज एक्सटेंडेड) को फाइलों को C में काम करते समय पीडीएफ में कनवर्ट करना

  • Converting ASPX (Active Server Page Extended) format files to PDF when working into C# and VB .NET programming environments is required when dealing with inherently complex PDF data that needs to be driven, designed and tested as HTML content first before the actual deployment.

    IronPDF – The ASPX Library was developed as a programming component library that will enable users to render web pages to output PDF format instead of HTML by simply modifying the code with a single new line, specifically to the “Form_Load” event. Apart from the main conversion capabilities provided by the library, one can also perform rasterization, header or footer editing or other useful PDF manipulations.

    Aside from the main ASPX to PDF conversion features, two more important options are added, which will allow one to change the PDF file name and display it directly into a browser app, or even more access it as a separate file download.

    Last but not least, in terms of security, users can apply granular meta-data settings, which provides the ability to limit PDF documents in terms of printing, and render them as read-only. 128 bit encryption and decryption are available, as well as standard password protection for the PDF documents.